
Aviation Tours

Booking Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions for our guests contain important information. It is essential that you read and understand them. Vector Aviation PTY LTD, trading as Aviation Tours (hereafter referred to as Vector Aviation), provides services subject to these terms and conditions which can only be altered in writing by Vector Aviation.


These terms and conditions and the exclusion of liability bind you and all persons under your legal care including minors. You agree that you have authority to enter into these terms and conditions on behalf of those persons including any minors and you warrant that you have the authority to give the releases and indemnities set out in these terms and conditions on behalf of those persons. Vector Aviation, in the context of these terms and conditions, includes our agents, contractors and employees and these terms, conditions and exclusion of liability apply to all.


Vector Aviation will, to the best of their ability, supply and provide the tours and charters as advertised and/or quoted however in such a changing world we ask that you have a degree of flexibility as there may be circumstances that are beyond our control. These may include, but not limited to, severe weather, COVID-19 lockdowns, floods, political unrest and tour operator cancellations. In some cases, once a tour has commenced Vector Aviation may need to amend the mode of transport, accommodation, and itineraries without prior notice due to circumstances beyond our control.

Vector Aviation, to the best of their ability, will keep all our guests informed in relation to the issues and any alternative plans that may need to be implemented to ensure the disruptions to our guests are minimal. Tours may not proceed at our discretion, if minimum numbers of guests are not booked, however we will advise those affected as soon as possible under this clause and offer alternative options.

While on our tours you agree to comply with our directions in relation to the tour and acknowledge and agree that your involvement in our tours is voluntary. You must comply with all state and federal laws and legal requirements while on tour. You agree that as part of a group tour you will act in a way deemed appropriate to all members of the group and employees of Vector Aviation and if breached we may cancel your participation in a tour at any time without any liability.

Bookings and Cancellations: 

To confirm a booking the guest must pay the deposit amount as detailed on our website for each individual tour. This deposit is non-refundable. The balance of the tour costs must be 30 days prior to the set departure date for the tour booked.

Cancellation by the guest must be made in writing addressed to Vector Aviation and the cancellation fees payable by the guest are; up to 30 days prior to the departure date – Loss of Deposit. 14 – 30 days prior to departure – 50% of the full fare (plus and monies paid by Vector Aviation for accommodation or tours by outside providers. Less than 14 days prior to departure – 100% of full fare.

Vector Aviation reserves the right to cancel or withdraw a tour or booking made by a guest at any time and will not be liable for any loss of damage in respect to the cancellation except for the full refund of any monies paid by the guest to Vector Aviation.

If you place a booking on behalf of another person(s), you declare that you are authorised to provide the agreement and consent of the other person(s) to be bound by these booking terms and conditions. You agree that you will be responsible for any loss we incur if this had not been the case.

Guest responsibilities: 

Guests are held responsible for being in good health to undertake the tour and being prepared for the tour by understanding the itinerary and any information supplied, and for bringing the appropriate clothing, equipment, and personal documentation as advised. 

While our tours are all inclusive you acknowledge that this does not include items of a personal nature or food or drinks outside of those set out in the published itinerary for the tour booked, including alcoholic beverages above the stated limits.


Please ensure that you carry with you sufficient supplies of any medications you may require, as we travel to some remote areas where supplies may be limited to not available. Our all-inclusive tour prices do not include travel or medical insurance and therefore we strongly recommend you take out appropriate cover for the tour you are undertaking. Please consult with your Medical Practitioner about any medical issues concerning your trip, including vaccination advice. 

Vector Aviation is not liable for the sickness or injury of any of our guests. You declare to us that you do not have any pre-existing medical condition or disability which will impact on or prevent you from participating in or completing the tour. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are medically capable of completing the tour. 

You acknowledge that tours are carried out in some remote areas with limited medical services. You hereby authorise Vector Aviation to take such action as is necessary, but without any obligation on Vector Aviation to do so, for the provision of medical services at your cost including but not limited to the arrangement of any medical evacuation service, doctor, paramedic and any necessary hospital service. 

You are liable for any cost of those services deemed necessary by Vector Aviation in relation to medical care and agree to pay the provider of those services. You are not entitled to any refund for any part of the tour missed due to a medical issue outside of the control of Vector Aviation.


You release Vector Aviation from all claims and liabilities arising out of or relating to your involvement in the tour including (but not limited to) actions (or inactions) of Vector Aviation undertaken pursuant to these terms and conditions and including those caused or contributed to by third parties including suppliers to Vector Aviation and other guests on the tour. For the purpose of this clause “claims” means any allegation, cause of action, claim, demand, proceeding, litigation, investigation, judgment, loss, cost or expense of whatever nature and whether present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual or contingent and whether arising at law or in equity, under statute or otherwise. 

You indemnify Vector Aviation for any loss suffered by it and against all claims (as defined in the preceding paragraph) and liabilities arising out of or related to your participation in the tour and any breach by you of these terms. 

Unless required by law or otherwise agreed in writing by Vector Aviation no refunds are payable, and no claims may be made if you do not complete a tour regardless of the reason. You acknowledge that you cannot claim compensation or seek damages if Vector Aviation exercises any of the rights conferred on it by these terms and conditions unless these terms and conditions expressly provide otherwise.  

Partner Tour Operator Disclaimer:

We have full confidence in the professionalism of the tour operators with whom we partner, and we will do our utmost to ensure 100% professional service and a smooth travel experience for our guests.. However, Vector Aviation acts as an agent between guests and the ‘tour operator’ and thus cannot accept any responsibility for their services. Disputes that arise will need to be directed to the tour operator in question.

Your acknowledgement:

By agreeing to this document, you acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions set out within it. Your booking is only confirmed once we receive a signed copy of this document or by ticking the checkbox on our booking page.


You give permission for Vector Aviation to use images (including still and video) of you, taken during the trip without recourse to you and without compensation to you, for publicity and promotion purposes only, through whatever medium it chooses.

We have a full Privacy Policy which is to be read in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions contained herein, available on our website.